

"When we have the courage to meet someone. We must have the courage to say goodbye to them."

People come, people go. Only the feeling stay.

I believe God gave times to say hello and to say goodbye to everyone we met. I categorize them to 6 groups :

1. The passing by people
This kind of  that had given very short time to see us. Too short, even they can say hello or goodbye to us.

Usually we met them at the public places such as airport, train, hospital and many more.

2. The KBA (Know By Accident) people
The KBA people had given the short time as well. But not as short as the passing by people.

We met them at the public places as well. They use a simple question in order to say "hello" such as "What time is it?" Or "The airport is very crowd, right?" Or something like that.

3. Friends
"Friends" seems very usual to us, we do activities with them, we talk to them, share about crazy things with them, sometimes even cry with them.

Maybe some of you do have a lot of friends and some of you don't. It's not my point, my point is how much have you done to those friends?

You can meet a lot of friends in different places, just make sure you gonna do something to them. Because if you don't do anything then what's the different between KBA people and it?

Don't make any friends if you just expect something from them without doing something to them.

But remember, there's "end" in friends too. You have to make effort to be with them. And don't act like you don't need them, cause you'll regret if they say goodbye to you.

4. The bussiness partner
If you do bussines or if you have a job, you'll meet a lot of them. But unlike friends, they easily saying hello to you if you have benefit to them.

And they easily saying goodbye to you if they don't need you anymore. So don't have any feeling to them.

5. The "teacher"
I didn't mean it litterally, i mean that this kind of persons give lesson to us in many different ways.

There are persons that giving lesson directly. They give us so many motivation, remind us for our faults.

And there are persons that giving lesson indirectly. Like the books or the TV shows.

They are the caring person, you should appreciate them. Because there are not much people like this. Don't easily say goodbye to them. I know that maybe the lesson is a bit harsh and you might feel sad. But deepdown, they just don't want you to enter the wrong ways.

6. The "life time" people
This kind of people have given very long time with us. But it doesn't mean that they can't say goodbye to us, we have to be carefull too.

We can get a long with those people because we need each others. We care about them, we feel save around them. And they give something different from each others.

The examples are our family and our lovers. The lovers i meant is not our boyfriends or girlfriends, but something more like husbands or wifes.

To find our real lovers, we began to approach to someone to find out if she/he is the "one". We began to having a relationships. We failed for many times evem we cry many times, but everytime we failed we learn to not failed again at the next relationship.

That's all for the people, now you know them all. We must have the courage to say hello or goodbye to them.

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